To most people, I am a pretty happy go lucky kinda gal. I have always had a good handle on stress, however over the last 6 months my stress level has increased significantly. Majority of my stress comes from work, overwhelmed with heavy work load, changes, frustration, high demand and expectation from senior management and client(s), inheriting work load from others, and the list goes on and on. But honestly, a large portion of my stress is probably the high level of expectation I have for myself. Mostly anger and frustration toward myself for letting stress get to me and losing my drive. As a very determined and driven person, losing that "drive" can have a huge impact on my emotions and state of mind.
I started to realize that stress was taken over my life when I began to experience the various symptoms listed below.
Lack of Sleep
Emotional Roller Coster
Nautious feeling or having butterflies in my stomach (not the first kiss feeling, its more like I wanna puke all the time kinda feeling!)
Eating non stop
Thinking about popcorn all the time (or maybe that's just a normal feeling I have stress or no stress ?? ... things that make you go, hmmmm....)
Thinking about work 24/7
Working on the weekends
Vitamin B complex stopped work
I'm not a doctor, but I suspect most people are aware of the fact that stress can lead to other more serious long term health issues. It is probably safe to say that most of us have been touched or affected by someone diagnoised with an illness which will often put many things into perspective. I certainly did!
Here are some of the things I did to overcome my stress - not to say I am currently completely stress free, however I have learned to deal with things in a comfortable and positive manner.
Staying positive, seeing everything through a half full glass - this is something I have always believed in, however when you are going through a slump, it is hard to believe that there's a light a the end of the tunnel.
Talking to my friends - I am very blessed with amazing friends in my life. They are always around to listen and provide support, and vice versa. That's what friends are for, right?!
Exercise - At the end of each work out and sweating session, your mind and body feels relieved of the stress and this will also have a long term health benefit. Need I say more?! Look good and feel better!
Girl's night out - do I need to explain?
Fun night at Nome Izakaya
Doing anything that made me happy and at peace! - hang out with friends, people watching, golf, read a book, shop, movies, do volunteer work, spend quality time with my grandma and etc.
My Adorable Grandma |
Bouldering at Hub Climbing
Volunteering at Mon Sheong LTC Richmond Hill |
Vacation - Work hard, play hard! Traveled to Honolulu, Madrid, Paris etc ...
Honolulu, Hawaii
Paris, France
EAT! - ice cream, wine, whatever makes you happy!Hang out with friends
Pub Night with Friends! |
ACML Holiday Party |
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Back when I used to sing n' perform |
With one of my BFFs, Mr. Will-W |
LAUGH n' CRY - like the song, Glory of love from the movie Beaches, "you've gotta laugh a little, cry a little, until the clouds roll out a little, that's the story of, that's the glory of love."
Kobe - the unconditional love my dog gives me is just precious.
My Adorable Princess Kobe |
All photos by Habeegirl |
Until Next time ...